A Meditation for Presence (Body Scan)

In last week's newsletter we explored what it means to be present. This week, I've created a meditation guiding you to experience your presence. 

This is a beautiful practice to help you remember that your presence is always available to you, no matter what might be happening around us or within us.

Audio Transcription:

Welcome. I invite you to close your eyes and take a moment to settle in. Let's start off today by taking the deepest breath we've taken yet, inhaling deeply, and exhaling, letting it all go. And now just settling into a normal pattern of breathing, letting everything go, feeling your body relaxing more and more. With each breath you take, nowhere to go, nothing to do, except to just be in this present moment, feeling the surface beneath you, hearing any sounds around you.

And as we spend this time together, I invite you to continue to bring your attention back to this moment, the present moment, knowing that thoughts will come into your mind. And when they do, just notice them and let them float on by then, bring your attention back to your breath, remembering that there's no right or wrong way to do this. It all just is.

And now I invite you to bring your attention to your head and just noticing what you feel when you bring your attention to your head. Do you feel any sensations, any tingling or warmth or cold feelings, or perhaps nothing at all? Noticing your brow, letting it soften, feeling your eyes getting heavier, noticing your mouth, your lips, your tongue. Just noticing what is there for you in this moment.

And now shifting the focus just a bit, and imagining the space in your head. Perhaps noticing the space in your brain or your cheeks, or perhaps your mouth. Just noticing the space.

And now bringing your attention down to your neck and your throat area. And just tuning in to what is present for you there. Any sensations, feelings, or nothing at all, just noticing. And then as we did with your head, I invite you to notice the space and volume in your neck and throat area. Just imagining it now.

Shifting your attention down to your shoulders and your arms. And again, just noticing what is present for you there, from your shoulders down to your wrists. And then expanding that a little bit longer down into your hands and your fingers. Just, just noticing anything, any tingling, any sensations or the nothingness. And then again, noticing the length and the volume, the space inside of your arms and your hands. 

And bringing our attention to our chests. Noticing any sensations, just feeling into it. And again, shifting our attention to noticing the space inside of our chest. If you can imagine perhaps noticing the volume from shoulder to shoulder, from your breastbone to your spine, just noticing the space.

And now bringing your attention down to your belly, noticing the belly, letting it go. No need to hold it in. And again, just noticing anything going on in your belly. Is it quiet? Is it rumbly? Whatever is there for you is perfect for you. No right or wrong answers. And now taking a moment to just notice the space in the belly.

Bringing your attention down to your hips and your pelvis. Just noticing anything that is there for you. And then again, noticing the space in this area.

Bringing your attention now down to your legs, from your hips to your ankles, noticing anything that is there for you to notice. Just focusing on the legs and moving the attention down just a little bit into the feet and the toes. And again, just noticing what is there for you in this area. And then again, noticing the space and the volume from your hips down through your toes.

And now bringing your attention to your body as a whole. Noticing whatever there is to be noticed, if anything. And now, I invite you to imagine your entire body and the space and volume that it has inside it. Imagining the parts of your body perhaps, but the space as well.

And now bringing your attention to your heart space and imagining a beautiful golden white light filling your heart, this light that is filled with love. And now, imagine this love and light expanding out into your body, filling the spaciousness that is you filling all of the space in your body with this light, every little bit of it. And when you've done that, imagine this light is emanating out from your body, perhaps about a foot in all directions around you, surrounding yourself in this love and remembering that you can bring yourself back to this feeling whenever you'd like. It is always available to you.

And now, as we slowly bring ourselves back, back to your body, hearing the sound of my voice and any sounds in the room around you, feeling the surface beneath you, slowly wiggling your fingers and toes, perhaps shrugging your shoulders or stretching in any way that feels good to you. And whenever you're ready, opening and closing your eyes.

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What Does It Mean To Be Present?